Saturday, October 16, 2010

A flight of Thoughts

Coming back to writing after so long
a weight on my mind
ready to let go I am
but thoughts , crowd my heart
like waves in a storm
hitting every rock , they bounce back
a slush is what remains of my mind
but free horses and thoughts
wild they are, uncontrollable
they say 'I control myself'
liars, I call them, scoundrels
fooling me to believe
what is far from truth
thoughts are mine
but can I control them?
a question, unanswerable by wise.

Attempt to unravel the mystery
many have done
failures they have hidden
by winding tales
fools, they are
a divine mystery it is
mere mortals we are
to attempt, I commend
to hope, I pity
let thoughts be wild
waves are never guided
let them be free
its nature it is
try to understand is what we do
His mystery, His power
we must bow before
weakness it is not
humbleness , I call it
to experience His mystery
is the joy of few
and then
some things are better left