Sunday, February 17, 2013

The physical, psychological stereotyping starts in the family, when doctor comes and say “ It is a girl !!!

I believe now is the best time for anyone to be born in this world. There are unlimited opportunities for everyone irrespective of their gender, caste, religion. But yes, there are different roadblocks on everyone’s path, it our responsibility to get past them and reach our destination. Being a girl in today’s world is a challenge but I am sure we are ready to take that challenge head on.
It is extremely sad that in a country where women are worshipped as Goddesses, female foeticide still exists. To get a chance to come into this world is in itself a great miracle. This is inspite of the fact that we find women excelling in diverse fields. Whether it be Naina Lal Kidwai in the corporate world or Saina Nehwal in the sports or Sonia Gandhi in politics we find women at every field’s pinnacle. But if you thought once born life gets easy for girls, let me correct you, the challenge just starts for them. From fighting for a chance to go to school to struggling for freedom to go out with their friends, life constantly keeps testing their mettle. It is a common assumption that such practices exist only in the lower economic strata of our society but sadly this also happens in well to do and educated families. Earlier it was considered that the so called economic burden that comes with a girl in the form of dowry, which in itself is another social evil, was the main cause why boys were preferred. But now it is the stoneage mindset of people which is the main culprit.
Even after the girl succeeds in her efforts and gets a chance to study and make a career for herself, the patriarchal mindset of people still stands in her way. The recent delhi gang rape is a testimony to the fact that girls are not safe on Indian roads. There has been a lot of discussion as to why men commit such heinous crimes and the basic reason that has been found is the feeling of male dominance. Rape is a way of proving that men are more powerful than women. But personally for me it just proves the opposite.
But the optimist in me still believes that better times lie ahead. These challenges just make a women stronger and more determined to create a space for herself in this male dominated society. Gone are the days when women would accept the insults lying down, the present day women is courageous enough to stand up to these useless diktats and  build a new path for herself. These relics of the past might slow her down but they can never stop her journey.

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