Tuesday, August 23, 2011

From the egg to the Sky

From one little white egg
came out a tiny birdie
eyes closed and feathers ruffled
the cutest birdie
her mother had ever seen

As the seasons passed
the eyes opened
and the wings too grew
before her mom's eyes
the birdie transformed into a dove

Tears of joy and tears of sorrow
filled the momma birdie's eye
when her baby went out

Memories of the nest tucked in her heart
and the dreams of the world in her eyes
she flew away to explore the unknown

Fell down quite many times
but picked herself up that many times
found many friends and foes
and found new love too

Was cheated and trampled upon
but also loved and cared for
lessons of the world learnt
a stronger bird she became

With confidence in her mind
and destiny in her hands
she soar away
into the world she now knew
into the sunset she dreamt of......