Saturday, February 16, 2013

Life is game for the fools, comedy for the rich, dream for the wise and tragedy for the poor

Life is a mystery, life is a journey and life is a roller coaster ride. How we view life reflects our own perspectives and mind set. Life is a gamble, you tread carefully and you risk losing out on the adventures on the way, you take uncalculated risks and you might just lose it all. Lets delve into the different meanings of life for different people.

Fools are those who donot realize what is at stake. Addicts gamble away their lives for some instant gratification. People like A Raja, well to do educated people, put at stake their everything for some crores in the 2g scam and lose it. The people accused in the delhi gang rape not only destroyed their own lives in that moment, they also destroyed that poor girl’s life. Is life such a small thing? These people assumed life to be a game, they just forgot one little detail; you play such a dangerous game and more often than not you lose.

Rich are those for whom everything is easy. When one doesn’t have to struggle for anything, life starts seeming like a comedy. They stay so high up in their glass towers that the reality of life doesn’t catch up with them. Sadly many of our politicians fall in this category. Rahul Gandhi is a prime example. The fact that he has not been able to accomplish anything on his own is partially attributable to his skills and partially to the fact that he is not in touch with the real problems of India’s common man. To people like him starvation, unemployment, rising prices are just some terms they read in the books and laugh at it because they cant believe it really happens.

Wise are those who plan their life, who treat it as a precious resource which shouldn’t be wasted. For these people life is a dream they have seen and they have the motivation to turn that dream into reality and with their dreams also bring to life other’s dreams. Anand Kumar, founder of the Super 30 program in Patna is a case in example. By providing free education to the poor students, he is not only giving them a chance he is also inspiring our generation. Arvind Kejriwal, his life is a dream for many who wish to serve their country and he is trying to bring back the India of our dreams.

Poor are those who cant feed their children two meals a day, poor are those who watch their loved ones die because they cannot afford medical treatment. For people like them, what is life if not a tragedy. Farmers in the Vidharba region, is it not tragic that farmers who feed the entire country are themselves in such a poor state that they have to resort to suicides?

From where we stand we build our own view of life which is narrow and most of the time meaningless. We have to widen our perspectives and live life such that this gift of God does not go waste. Everyone makes a difference to their own life by their actions, go a step ahead, bring a smile on someone else’s face for a change.

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